General information
Deltasone (active ingredient – Prednisone) is intended for the treatment of such conditions as: rheumatic disease, dermatomyositis, Bekhterev’s disease, chronic infectious arthritis, Kussmaul disease, asthma, allergic diseases, acute insufficiency of the cortex glandulae suprarenalis, hepatitis, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, hypoglycemic states, , lupus erythematosus, seborrheic dermatitis, erythrodermatitis, alopecia and some others.
This drug belongs to the corticosteroids group. Corticosteroids agents are produced in different forms, but usually they are applied orally or parenterally (subcutaneously and intramuscularly). Here we shall discuss oral corticosteroids, which are made in the form of tablets, capsules and syrups.
One of the most sufficient benefits of oral steroids is that they provide pain and inflammation relief less aggressively than their injectable form.
However, it should be remembered that corticosteroids cannot eliminate the causes of the disease (etiological treatment) and cannot even eliminate the mechanisms of the development of the ailment (pathogenetic treatment), but only help to stop the symptoms of the disease (symptomatic treatment). The same postulate concerns the Prednisone-containing drug we are talking about.
Corticosteroids are available in the form of tablets, capsules with prolonged or instant action, solutions in ampoules, ointments, creams, liniments.
The most popular drugs from the group of corticosteroids are oral tablets and capsules. These include Deltasone.
What is Deltasone?
How does Deltasone work?
What are the possible side effects of Deltasone?
How should Deltasone be taken?
Can Deltasone be taken with other medications?
Is Deltasone safe during pregnancy?
Can Deltasone cause withdrawal symptoms?
How long does it take for Deltasone to work?
How should Deltasone be stored?
Can alcohol be consumed while taking Deltasone?
Before prescribing Deltasone, the physician must ensure that there are no contraindications for corticosteroids use in the patient.
Despite the high activity of some corticosteroids, there are no absolute contraindications to their use. However, there are conditions in which doctors prescribe hormones with caution and under close supervision.
These pathologies include:
- Diabetes.
- Peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines in the acute stage.
- Heart failure and a tendency to high blood pressure.
- Acute renal or hepatic insufficiency.
- Diagnosed glaucoma or cataract.
- After vaccination with live vaccine.
- Diagnosed varicella, tuberculosis and some other severe infections.
- Tendency to increased blood clots.
- Epilepsy and mental illness.
In addition, a contraindication is hypersensitivity to the main substance or other components of the drug.
Contraindications also include skin reactions after vaccination, varicose veins, perioral dermatitis and rosacea, and other bacterial and fungal infections of the skin without proper antibacterial and antifungal therapy.
Deltasone Dosage
In any separate case the dosage should be prescribed by the physician only. This should be followed strictly because self-treatment with hormonal medicaments may result in severe side effects.
However there exist several common rules: the starting dose in case of treatment of adult patient should be 20-30 mg/day. In some cases this dose can de decreased to 10-15 mg per day. It ought to be mentioned that in case of necessity a daily amount of the substance must be reduced gradually in order to avoid abrupt withdrawal and the manifestation of adverse reactions.
In case of long-term treatment with this medication it is recommended to visit ophthalmologist in order of prevent high blood pressure or electrolyte imbalance development. The regimen of treatment with this drug must observe the existence of any possible diagnosed comorbid conditions.
With caution this medication should be prescribed in case of diagnosed non-specific infections.
How to take Deltasone?
Treatment with Prednisone should be carried out under close medical supervision. It is recommended to take tablets at the same time of the day. The tablet should be washed down with sufficient amount of water. According to the general rule the 2/3 of the dose or even entire dose should be taken in the first part of the day.
It is believed that disregard of the recommended treatment course may result in undesirable reactions development.
Also it should be taken into account that hormone therapy is a supplement, but not a substitute for standard therapy.
Deltasone Side-effects
Using this agent may result in the development of the following adverse reactions: the tendency to retention of water and sodium in the body, the edema development, hyperglycemia and glycosuria, negative nitrogen balance, high blood pressure, fatigue, general muscle weakness, nervous agitation, insomnia, psychosis, convulsions (most often occur in children) due to the development of hypoglycemia, hirsutism, amenorrhea, premature birth, in persons suffering from osteoporosis – increased pathological process.
To prevent these adverse events during the Prednisone treatment course it is recommended to limit the consumption of table salt and increase the potassium salts consumption (this is a diet rich in fruits and vegetables) as well as proteins. The occurrence of adverse effects requires discontinuation of Deltasone as well as measures to regulate the water-salt turnover; in case of edema development it is recommended to take of diuretic medications.
Use of Prednisone results in complications of the gastrointestinal system (ulcers and bleeding are possible) more often comparing to Cortisone.
In case of prolonged administration of Prednisone the symptoms of hypocorticism may develop.
In addition, the severity of undesired effects is directly determined by the dose and duration of the medication application. The higher the dose and the longer the course – the greater chances of the likelihood of their occurrence.
Most often, Deltasone can cause:
- Swelling caused by sodium retention in the body.
- Increased blood pressure and sugar levels.
- Exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer.
- Dermatitis, acne, and in severe cases atrophy of the skin.
- Inhibition of tissue regeneration, due to which the healing of wounds while taking corticoids occurs more slowly.
- Mood disorders, depression, neurological disorders.
- Suppression of the adrenal glands and, as a result, the violation of various types of metabolism, weight gain.
Deltasone Overdose
In case of overdose there can be increased manifestations of adverse reactions listed above. If it happens it is necessary to perform symptomatic treatment and as well as drug withdrawal. In case if symptoms of overdose continue it is necessary to seek medical assistance immediately.
It ought to be mentioned that prolonged intake of this substance may result in hypercortisolism development. Such a situation also requires drug withdrawal.
The high involvement of corticosteroids in vital regulatory processes usually leads to diverse interactions with the following substances and medications groups:
- antacids reduce the absorption of ingested glucocorticoids;
- co-administration of tricyclic antidepressants with corticosteroids increases the intraocular pressure growth risk;
- long-term administration of glucocorticoids increases the effect of adrenomimetics intake;
- concomitant use of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids increases hypernatremia and hypokalemia; in case of diagnosed hypokalemia there can develop side effects of cardiac glycosides use;
- if taking glucocorticoids is combined with iron and androgens therapy this may increase red blood cell production; in combination of glucocorticoids and anesthesia, the initial stage of anesthesia increases, and the duration of the overall action is reduced; corticosteroids intake along with alcohol increase the risk of peptic ulcer.
Alcohol interaction
Since Deltasone belongs to a glucocorticoid group, its administration affects all vital departments of the body. This is because the drug affects the neural system of the individual, which results in a certain alterations in the entire human macrosystem functionality.
Alcohol definitely affects the effectiveness of many drugs.
In 89% alcohol is a cause of death while sleeping! In majority cases this happens not to alcoholics, but to “moderately” drinking people who drink not only strong but also low-alcohol beverages.
However, alcohol and Prednisone interaction does not result in emergency conditions. It ought to be stated that in some cases concomitant intake of alcohol and Deltasone can decrease therapeutic effect of the last, or conversely, aggravate chronic diseases. In theory, Prednisone and ethanol are compatible, that is, mix of these two substances does not lead to formation of toxic substances. This is about the feasibility of drinking alcohol and hormonal substances.
For example, during long-term treatment course of chronic illness, a small dose alcohol intake most probably will not result in negative effects. At the same time significant amounts of Deltasone and ethanol can result in a negative effect, since Prednisone is able to raise blood pressure, and addition of alcohol will aggravate this problem. Therapy with hormonal substances often involves deterring the response of many serious illnesses that are exacerbated by exposure to ethanol. Therefore, for instance, in case of co-administration of beer and Prednisone may lead to decreased effectiveness of the medicine.
Eventually, it becomes clear that the compatibility of those agents is rather questionable. The exception is irregular alcohol intake in small doses, which as a rule, does not have a significant impact on the treatment course.
Deltasone Reviews
Ram: I had an allergy that manifested on the surface of my skin. I went to the physician and after the examination and diagnosing I was prescribed Deltasone tablets. I took it for three weeks until the signs of allergies were completely gone. I am pleased with the result.
Tanya: I suffer from bronchial asthma for eight years. The doctors prescribed various methods of treatment courses for me, and one of the latter was treatment with Deltasone tablets. I liked that the relief came quickly enough and the effect lasted for a long time.
Peter: For many years I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. For a long time I was against of using this medication but after my last acute exacerbation I decided to start using this medication. I was surprised with the result because I felt myself absolutely healthy in two days of using this medication. Now I use maintenance dose because my chronic disease requires constant attention and treatment.
I had some problems and after I read this article I found a solution, thank you!